Are you sanctified by the Holy Spirit of the Lord God? What happens when people of the christian religion fail to utilize the available power or grace?
As a Christian you ought not lack the power of Christ Lord to sanctify you. You need sanctification in everything you do. What you eat, touch and even feel. Do you know what sanctification is in your everyday life?
Sanctification occurs in different forms in the scriptures but its basic meaning is “to set apart”. This setting apart also has two sides:
God’s part plays in us while our part plays in the lifelong process where we are to grow in grace till maturity.
Accepting Christ as our savior and Lord is our own choice. When we accept Him into our lives, He gives us power to be successful.
But living successfully is also not that easy, for you need His deliverance first. The deliverance experience makes sin inactive and without power in our lives.
When you are sanctified, you are given superiority over the power of sin but that doesn’t take away the sin of the body unless you put yourself apart devotedly for God and God alone.
And how do you set yourself apart? Being apart also is a personal choice. But as a believer, to continuously enjoy spiritual fellowship with God and other believers, we need to only be sanctified by the Holy Spirit of The Lord God. We need complete redemption.
Regardless of how many challenges wait for you on the trail that leads to making yourself stand out to God, you need to stand firm in Christ’s side and claim for sanctification which only comes through your truthful commitment to God.
Despite the devilish efforts that pull you down and can even cause you to being kicked out because of your stand for God-through false accusations, disasters and even rejection by your whole family, God won’t allow them to prosper against you.
God has promised to help, deliver and defend you even during the times when everyone has left you. His power is strong and does not lessen. God makes us strong when we are in His presence.
Therefore, by living according to His word and being sanctified by the Holy Spirit as a source of our new life, we get set to triumph over the sins and insanity of the world.
Wanjiku Nikenya is a member at Nikenya Forums. Need the latest celebrity gossip … Meet her at the celebrity segment.